"My husband and I are are more than just partners & best friends. The Irish have a saying “mo Anam Cara” this translates into my soul mate. But that term can be anyone, your friend, your teacher...anyone whom your soul has connected with. My husband & I definitely relate to this. We just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in Ireland. We were overlooking the Cliffs of Moher when I surprised him with a new wedding band with “mo anam cara” inscribed on the ring. And on the inside was a message in Gaelic. We live in Texas, however I had the ring custom made in Dublin. Every time we look at that ring it brings back the most amazing memory.

We raised a big family 6 kids. They are all grown & a few have kids of their own. Even though our life has always been hectic... kids, business, etc... we have always made our relationship a priority. We have continued to date one another. I always say it’s way more fun being his girlfriend than his wife. We also have a motto that “we just do us” meaning we don’t let other people or problems/drama get in between us. We love having friends & hanging out but at the end of the day it’s always about he & I. I have been following Live A Great Story for awhile. I proudly wave my flags around, wear my shirt and pass out stickers everywhere we go. We love to travel & are blessed with the ability to quite often so this message has traveled along with us." - Danny & Karen 
"I would like to nominate my husband and myself! We met in 1976 in college (at a Frat party!) and married in 1980. We will be celebrating our 40th anniversary this summer. We have raised 5 sons, and enjoy traveling to many places including National Parks, and recently visited Europe for the first time. We are always up for an adventure. When I first saw your shirts, I knew I had to get one. Slovakia, where we hiked in the Tatras Mountains. I wore my LIVE A GREAT STORY shirt there!" - Lauren and Tom Glowacky
"I would like to nominate myself and my training partner, Glenn. We met 2 1/2 years ago when I walked into his ninja gym. He inspired me to become a ninja warrior. I walked in my first gym ever just a year and a half prior to that. I was a 45 year old woman with no visible muscles whatsoever. I had never done anything athletic my whole life, seriously never. When we started training, we found that we complemented each other in so many ways. We started really living our lives and pushing ourselves past our limits. We were both cast to be on season 11 of American Ninja Warrior last year. Our relationship has developed into so much more since that point and I realized how much I truly love this man. He is my other half. If I'm not pushing him, he's pushing me. We try to live our lives to the fullest, hoping to inspire others along the way. When we competed, Glenn was 56 and I was 47, proving that it's never too late to dream big. Even after getting injured along the way, we weren't about to let that keep us from living our lives, we continued to break barriers and smash stereotypes along the way. I learned how to skateboard and do backflips all while in a cast. You only have one life to live and when you find that person and those things that make you happy, you should live your story, even when obstacles seem to stand in your way because it's those difficult roads that often lead you to the most beautiful destinations." - Melissa and Glenn Huff
"My wife & I have inspired each other since 1976 and we continue to do so, into our sixties.  First, it was raising our three children then it was "catching up" on things we felt we missed while doing so. Our biggest challenge/inspiration began when our last child graduated high school, in 2005.  We decided we were gonna ride at least one (1) 20-mile bicycle ride in all 50 states.  We should finally complete that challenge this year. All fifty states !!  We have logged 14103 bicycle miles since that decision. That challenge has also allowed us to explore some amazing places in these United States, including 18 National Parks. We have rode bikes over/across four of America's longest bridges ... Golden Gate Bridge (SF), Verrazano Narrows Bridge (NYC), Chain of Rocks Bridge (St. Louis) and Walkway over the Hudson (Poughkeepsie, NY).  We have also braved bicycle rides in a few big cities ... San Francisco, NYC, St. Louis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh & Los Angeles.
Our bike trips have evolved to also include hiking and kayaking. We have enjoyed kayaking in Bar Harbor, ME .. Rio Grande River (Abq, NM) .. Kalispell, MT .. Everglades, FL .. Delaware Water Gap, and Kauai, HI.   Some notable hikes include the Kalalau Trail on the Napali Coast (Kauai), South Kaibab Trail (Grand Canyon), Harding Icefield Trail (Kenai Fjords, NP), Skyline Trail (Mt. Rainier NP), Hidden Lake Trail (Glacier NP) and La Luz Trail (Sandia Peak, Abq NM). We also mustered the courage to enjoy a hot-air balloon ride while in Albuquerque and a helicopter tour of Kauai, HI. Both being notable since we are both afraid of heights. Can't say that have we inspired many folks but I hope we have shown that an average couple, living paycheck-to-paycheck, can enjoy so much more than one might imagine... with just a little planning and penny-pinching." Douglas Sears 

"I would like to nominate Steve and Suzanne Harrold. They are a retired Air Force couple living in Colorado. In late 2006 their good friend Troy Gilbert's plane crashed in the Iraq war; he left behind a wife and 5 kids. Steve felt called to do something, not just for Troy's kids, but for all children of our nation's fallen. That following summer Steve and Suzanne started Knights of Heroes(KOH). You can check them out and learn more about all that we do at You can learn what it means to the kids that KOH serves...what Steve and Suzanne have done, and continues to do, for these kids.

Over the past 12 years the Harrolds have sacrificed so much of their time and own finances to work and grow the organization. KOH is Steve's passion, his calling. Suzanne at his side through out it all working in the kitchen and helping with all aspects of operations every year. Their entire family is involved. The organization continues to serve hundreds of kids every year, through out the year. We continue to support each kid year after year into young adulthood with positive adult mentorship, encouraging their friendships forged at camp, and challenging them to live the life their dad's would have dreamed for them. Steve and Suzanne, and all volunteers at KOH, continue to challenge, support, and encourage the children of our nation's fallen to 'live a great story'..." Steve and Suzanne Harrold