These are just a few of the stories I received this week.
I'm sharing these to remind you that great stories come in all shapes and sizes.
Your story matters. You never know whose life it could impact.
My favorite is the last one.
His message arrived while in the middle of making this email so I had to add it.
This email isn't fancy with a lot of design because I wanted to stories to speak for themselves.
I hope these inspire you as much as they did me :)
"Meet Nazilla, a young woman with a college education who owned her own small business in Afghanistan until the Taliban decided women have no worth. Nazilla made the hardest decision of her life and chose to leave the only place she has ever known, alone. I learned her story, we invited her to join us for meals, van rides, card games and more. What we found is a woman who, like each of us, wants to know she is loved, valued, and she matters!" - shared by Robyn H.
Jesse the Bearded Traveler is getting this epic tattoo!
"My son just sent this to me from the Boston Harbor - not the best picture- but still cool. It is also cool that my son knows how much I love LIVE A GREAT STORY!!!
It has been fun following your story! I have a flag, some shirts and I love my hat!
I went on a tour to the Biltmore in NC - it was just myself and another couple and the woman had a LIVE A GREAT STORY sticker on her phone case, just like me! I regret that I didn’t ask her husband to snap a photo." - Laura B.
"7 years with you, and never a dull moment! This year we got engaged 💍 and bought a house 🏡"
Awww 🥰 congrats Sarah and Steve!
I posted this funny Instagram Reel and people are loving it, click here to watch.
"My wife and I are raising money for a Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser hike on August 27th. It’s a 15 mile hike, including 3 high peaks all in one day in the Adirondacks.
All proceeds go to the researching efforts to find a cure for CF as there currently isn’t one. As first year business owners we thought this was a great thing to get involved in as a way to give back. If you’d like to donate you can click the link to follow and check our page." - Paul, the guy who took all these photos with the flag.
I donated :)
"Found this at a trail head going to Eagle Mountains, the Minnesota high point.
I am an explorer, traveller, and challenge accepter. I’ve been to 45 states, 7 high points, 10-15 National Parks.
I have also been to many funerals where the person's life was defined by their work.
Although that may have been their legacy, when my dad died, I asked everyone for a story about him.
We had so many laughs and great memories.
So I feel he lived a great story. I have a couple of philosophies. Not all who wander are lost and work to live don’t live to work. When I die, I want to know I have lived a great story." - Shawn T.
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If you have a story you want to share, send it my way.
I'm trying to share more and more stories (even if they aren't very fancy)
Want to experience the LIVE A GREAT STORY inspiration? Grab some gear, it works.